It may seem like self-care suggestions are everywhere! Sip tea. Do yoga. Meditate on a beach. Stand on your head all while cleaning, cooking organic meals, looking fabulous and doing it effortlessly.
Sound familiar?
The truth is that self-care has become glamorized in a way that seems like we need to add yet another thing to our plate. But what if you want a chance to quiet the noise, lessen anxiety, and take care of your mental health without spending hours getting an Instagram-worthy bubble bath set up?
Enter the 20 Minute Routine that honors your mental health!
1. 5 Minute Meditation
Ok, so if you want you can meditate on a beach - no harm there! But meditating does not have to be a process in which you need hours on end to reap the benefits. Meditating for only 5 minutes each day has been proven to lower stress and anxiety.
My favorite way to meditate is searching for a guided meditation video via YouTube based on whatever I am working towards that day and plug in my headphones to that video. The crystals are an added effect!
There are also great apps like "Headspace" that let you set a timer based on whatever time you have available. Replace scrolling through Facebook for 5 minutes of meditation to lower your overall stress level.
2. 5 Minute Journaling
This is a technique I frequently recommend to clients when they are on their way to connecting with their truths. Sometimes I hear this: "But Kelly, I hate journaling!" "I don't know how to journal."
The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to journal. Don't worry about grammar or spelling mistakes. This is for your eyes only and a place to pour your heart out without getting unsolicited advice. It is a great way to work out your feelings around a topic that you are unsure about.
My favorite technique for journaling is called "brain dumping." You literally write whatever comes to mind: i.e. "I don't know why I am journaling. This journal thing is pretty weird. I wonder what I am eating for lunch, don't I have somewhere to go soon?" Letting it spill out creates more space in your brain for things you want to spend your time thinking about.
3. 5 Minutes Reading
Studies show that people who read daily are more successful in life. Now I am a BIG READER (check out the Brain Foods review section!) but I know that not everyone is.
Enter the world of coffee table books. These types of books are meant to be quick reads that lift you up. "You Are A Badass Everyday" by Jen Sincero is a perfect example.
Books still not your thing? Blogs that uplift you work well too! And for those who learn audibly, podcasts are an excellent replacement for a physical book.
4. 5 Minutes of Being Passionate
Last but not least, spending 5 minutes working on something that you are passionate about is a great way to honor your mental health! For me - my passion is my business and helping others rebuild their relationship with mental and physical health.
Maybe your passionate about ballroom dance, cooking or an entire passion project. Whatever it is; dedicating 5 minutes per day can help you be in good spirits and create space for a positive attitude.
If you did all 4 of these things back to back, it would take you 20 Minutes! Can you find an extra 20 minutes in your day to dedicate to your well-being?
Take what you love and leave what you don't.
You are on your way to creating your very own self-care routine!
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